Iodine Purification Symptoms

bromide detox symptoms

Many require 50 mg per day for several months before they will excrete 90 percent of it. His studies indicate that, given a sufficient amount, the body will retain much more iodine than originally thought, 1,500 mg, with only 3 percent of that amount held in the thyroid gland. To make matters worse, we are exposed to a lot of bromides, often on a daily basis through occupational, environmental and food exposures. For you chemistry buffs, you will know that bromine and iodine have similar chemical properties and are classified as Halides, along with chlorine and fluorine.

  • The patient is advised to avoid all sources of bromine, including fire retardant in carpet, clothing and mattresses, and bromide-treated breads, baked goods and grains.
  • I experienced all of these, but only for a short time, and they were reduced by taking the companion nutrients and by doing the salt loading procedure regularly (details below).
  • Consume an additional 1⁄2 tsp unprocessed sea salt throughout the day on foods.
  • Iodine is believed to play a crucial role in supporting thyroid health, metabolism, and overall well-being.
  • Headaches can occur as a result of iodine mobilizing toxins in the body, leading to a temporary increase in headache frequency.
  • Some individuals may experience increased anxiety levels during iodine detox, which is typically temporary.

📹 Question on Iodine, Fatigue, and Detox Reaction

bromide detox symptoms

Sudden increases in iodine can lead to more severe detox symptoms, so a slow and steady approach is recommended. It is also considered a part of holistic health practices to support detoxification processes. The following chart outlines the nutrients required by each phase to function at optimum levelsas well as some supporting nutrients to assist the process.

The 15+ Best Ways to Detox Your Brain Naturally

It’s important to note that not everyone may experience these symptoms, and they are typically transient as the body adjusts. The contents of this website, such as graphics, text, images, and other material contained on the website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. Pure Showers also stocks a range of shower filters to remove chlorine, bacteria and heavy metals from the water. If you’re concerned about this you could try and reduce your general daily intake of salt to make up for the extra salt you’ll be consuming. Bromine is added to bakery products and fire retardants in the US, and is used in some medications and in crop spraying.

  • If they continue after these two strategies have been tried then Pulse Dosing is the next line of defense.
  • Chlorine can be removed from water by using filtration products (see below).
  • I try to move slow with iodine in order to give my body time to keep up with the toxicity I might be knocking loose.
  • Detoxification is a gradual process, and individual responses can vary.
  • Iodine users often use the salt loading protocol to clear bromide and many other detox symptoms.
  • Nausea may occur due to the release of toxins during iodine detox, causing temporary discomfort.
  • And if you suffer from a health condition such as hardening of the arteries, where too much salt could present a danger, it’s important to take advice from your GP or iodine-literate practitioner.

It takes high levels of iodine flooding the body to displace the toxic halides with the good one. Firstly, your salt of choice is very important – it needs to be unrefined. I personally use Himalayan rock salt, however Celtic sea salt is also a great choice.


bromide detox symptoms

1 When we add salt to our food, most of it will be absorbed in our gut, which can limit how much it want’s to absorb and pass the rest. But when we drink salt water, most of it will be absorbed into our blood stream just about instantly where it is essentially forced though our organs. In the U.S. population, the percent of iodine load excreted in the 24-hour urine collection prior to supplementation with iodorol averages 40 percent. So the long and the short of it is, you want to avoid bromides whenever you can. Bromine excretion can be measured in 24 hr urine collections by reference labs.

Iodine and Companion NutrientsNascent Iodine:

Celtic Sea Salts, Himalayan Pink Crystal Salts, or Real Salt brand are good examples of this. You will generally find this type of raw salt at your local health food store. Persistence and commitment to a healthy lifestyle are key to a successful detox journey. Detoxification is a gradual process, and individual responses can vary. Be patient with your body and give it time to adjust to the changes.

When the key is in the lock, it can turn the lock and open the door. When a hormone binds to its receptor, stuff happens (i.e. the door opens, your blood pressure rises, you digest your food, you wake up, etc.). But what happens if you have the wrong lock or the lock has been tampered with? Bromides compete with Iodine and bind to the iodine sites, and important metabolic functions are disrupted (the lock does not work).

If you decide to start iodine detox, make sure to do it gradually, and consult a qualified doctor to aid you through your journey. Some individuals find relief from detox symptoms through complementary therapies such as massage, acupuncture, or sauna sessions. Temporary feelings of low mood or depression can be a result of iodine detox processes.

Read more about why iodine is an essential nutrient for mental as well as physical health here. In the 19th century women with painful or lumpy breasts were advised to paint them with iodine, and doctors sometimes injected iodine into the breast tissue. Bromine is taking the place of iodine as we’ve been exposed to more bromine than iodine. One we get enough iodine to push the bromine out, it can find its way out in various ways depending how our body’s chemistry is currently running. Truehope has a number of different products that have been designed to maintain every area of your health, both mental and physical. To learn more about products and mental and physical wellness visit Truehope’s website.

I am working on a blog post on IODINE , a trace element critical to overall health. Iodine is found in every cell in the body and is essential for the normal hormone receptor functioning for every hormone you have. They control your metabolism, your blood pressure, your blood sugar, when you wake up and when you go to sleep, how you respond to stress and your sexual functioning among other things. Controlling levels of iodine in the blood is crucial in the process, as excessive or reduced iodine can lead to complications. If you are considering iodine detox, consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified naturopath. Keeping a journal of symptoms can help you track progress and identify any adverse reactions that may require adjustments in your detox protocol.

Bromide toxicity or “bromism” accounted for bromide detox symptoms over two of admissions to psychiatric hospitals before the removal of bromide salts from most US medications in 1975. Evidence suggests that increased iodine consumption replaces and helps detox other halogens, such as fluoride and bromide, and even toxic metals. When starting The Iodine Protocol, or just increasing our unrefined salt intake, we may find ourselves dislodging and detoxing bromine. Bromine is iodine’s evil sibling that makes it harder for our body to remain saturated with iodine. Today’s environment of new products gassing off, medications and food ingredients etc are overloading us with bromine while most of us are not exposed to much iodine at all.

The following list is a compilation of the potential symptoms of detox that may be experienced when first taking iodine. One of the most common questions and misconceptions is on the topic of an iodine overload vs a detox symptom from iodine pushing out toxic halides. The root of the issue is a mass misunderstanding of iodine in general. There is a fear that runs rampant – especially in the medical community. It all stems from the Wolff Chaikoff Effect that was later retracted but few knew about it because it was hidden in a later scientific publication. The follow up article did not get as much attention as the first article.