20 Alcoholics Best Books to Read The 2024 Edition

books on alcoholism

This book about alcoholics is a beautifully written tribute to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of unconventional families to shape our lives. The doctors who wrote this book present a compelling case for utilizing the power of the mind in treating brain disorders. This book is not about alcoholism per se, but it can be an empowering guide for separating yourself from those primitive and demoralizing urges to drink.

How-To Books & Guides

The book helps readers understand what is happening to them and what they can do to get help. Elegant, funny and furious, Coulter’s essays about trying to stay sober in a world that wants you to drink will strike a chord with anyone who has struggled to avoid alcohol while maintaining a social life. This day-by-day account of her challenges, fears and victories helped me enormously when I needed gentle encouragement to stay strong and stick with sobriety. On June 23, 2022, my first sober day, I downloaded Laura McKowen’s memoir We Are the Luckiest and read it in one sitting.

  • When something awful happens to us, our way to cope is to turn off and even turn against ourselves, as a method of resilience.
  • The revolutionary book “This Naked Mind” by Annie Grace examines the connection between alcohol and how we view it.
  • In Quit Like a Woman, the author Holly Whitaker used science to prove that alcohol isn’t safe to drink.
  • In this enlightening book, Dyer delves into the world of compassionate people (HSPs), shedding light on their innate sensitivity to stimuli and emotions.

Reading Selections

  • It can also help you take control of your biochemistry so that you can leave physical cravings in the past.
  • Drawing on their expertise in orthomolecular medicine, Hoffer and Saul present a comprehensive guide on how specific vitamins and nutrients can support recovery and help individuals overcome alcohol addiction.
  • I am not sure I’d be sober today if it weren’t for Tired of Thinking About Drinking.
  • It is best read one page per day, since each page contains a short passage and explanation of its meaning.

I am not sure I’d be sober today if it weren’t for Tired of Thinking About Drinking. Belle’s consistent messaging on our faulty thinking led to a major mindset shift for me. She provides actionable steps for anyone looking to drink less or none at all. A great starter book for anyone looking to begin changing their relationship with alcohol. This is one of the best memoirs on alcohol recovery in my opinion.

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction

Ann Dowsett Johnston combines in-depth research and her own story of recovery in this important book about the relationship between women and alcohol. Drink brings to light the increase in DUIs, “drunkorexia” (limiting eating to get drunker), and other health problems among young women in the United States. When I was having a bad, sad or mad day — and there were plenty of https://ecosoberhouse.com/ those — I cheered myself up by returning to one of my beloved boozy books. Sober, I started to realise that I didn’t have to emulate my favourite characters because the alcohol-sodden parties were much more fun on the page. I could reread Rivals and attend Patrick O’Hara’s glamorous 21st birthday party as many times as I wanted, hangover free. I reread an old teenage favourite, Ralph’s Party by Lisa Jewell, and noticed that at the eponymous event, the unhappiest, most troubled characters drink the most.

  • To select the most suitable book, consider your specific interests and goals.
  • However, I found that it offered subtle applications for combating groupthink of any kind.
  • A BAC of 0.09% to 0.25% causes lethargy, sedation, balance problems and blurred vision.
  • I’ve since found from experience that the common cold is no match for 10 grams of liposomal vitamin C!
  • Sometimes I’m anxious and sometimes everything feels hard, but I know I have the skills and resources to meet these challenges.
  • We Are the Luckiest is a life-changing memoir about recovery—without any sugarcoating.

Now, in The Book of Boundaries, out November 2023, Urban, who has been in recovery for more than 20 years, shows how setting clear limits can help protect your time, energy, health, alcoholism treatment security, confidence, and freedom. This book reads like a conversation, and teaches us to get curious. Gilbert helps us understand the noisy voice in our head, which can often be our greatest critic. She offers generous vulnerability in her lessons and encourages you to find your gift within. A life of recovery is an awakened life of purpose, service, and meaning.

books on alcoholism

Drunk Mom by Jowita Bydlowska

books on alcoholism

She shares her personal lifelong struggle with anxiety, which led to excessive substance use, rehab, and her ultimate triumph into recovery. To overcome alcoholism, first of all, the person suffering from alcoholism must recognize their addiction problem. Subsequently, a multidisciplinary intervention can be carried out in order for the patient to successfully overcome this situation. Psychological therapy, the use of drugs, group therapy, family or couple therapy and social services, among others, are usually combined.

books on alcoholism

books on alcoholism

Probably the least-known work of the Brontë sisters, by the least-known sister, Anne’s second and last novel was published to great success in 1848. Helen ultimately escapes her marriage and pretends to be a widow, earning a living as an artist to care for herself and her young son. The book was so upsetting to her sister Charlotte that, after books on alcoholism Anne’s death she passed on the chance to have it reprinted, and the book was neglected for a really long time. Today it is widely considered to be a landmark in early feminist literature, but its frank depictions of addiction within marriage are just as deserving of acclaim.

Sober Curious

books on alcoholism

For a long time I felt tortured by the mystery of why some people are alcoholics and others aren’t. I did not totally understand the value (and safety) of high doses of vitamin C until I read this book. I’ve since found from experience that the common cold is no match for 10 grams of liposomal vitamin C! The co-founder and CEO of Whole 30 and bestselling author, Melissa Urban, helped millions of people transform their relationship with food.